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6 Unexpected Testing Scenarios for SaaS Product

Pravin Gamit
Pravin Gamit
  • May 6, 2024
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    10 min read
6 Unexpected Testing Scenarios for SaaS Product
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Nowadays, software as a service, or SaaS, is essential to modern business. Industry analysts predict that by the end of 2024, the worldwide SaaS market will have grown to an enormous $232 billion. This explosive growth is driven by the on-demand accessibility and scalability of SaaS solutions.  From real-time collaboration tools to data-driven marketing platforms, SaaS application testing ensures they revolutionize business operations and competitiveness in today's dynamic landscape.

While SaaS offers numerous benefits, making sure that your users experience a seamless experience requires some strict testing measures. Unlike traditional software, SaaS products operate in a dynamic cloud environment, susceptible to unforeseen user behavior and external factors. Thorough and strict testing will help you identify and address potential issues before they impact your users.

Common SaaS testing scenarios

Before diving into the unexpected, it’s essential to address common testing scenarios that form the foundation of a strong testing strategy for SaaS products. For this, let’s take an example of an online subscription-based entertainment system.

  1. User registration and Onboarding: Validate the registration process, email confirmation, and user profile setup.
    • Test various registration methods (email, social logins).
    • Ensure smooth email confirmation delivery and activation processes.
    • Verify user profile setup allows customization of avatars, preferences, etc.
    • Test if users can easily navigate the onboarding tutorial (if applicable).
  2. Subscription management: Test subscription plans, upgrades, downgrades, and payment security.
    • Implement security scans to identify vulnerabilities in the payment processing gateway.
    • Test various payment methods (credit cards, e-wallets) with valid and invalid data.
    • Ensure clear communication of data security practices to users.
  3. Data backup and Content management: Confirm that data backups are reliable and restoration processes work as expected.
    • Perform sudden disconnection tests at different levels and modules of the application.
    • Verify that different content types (movies, shows, and music) load properly.
    • Test playback functionality across various genres and formats.
    • Ensure the search function delivers accurate results based on user queries.
  4. Notifications and User interface: Check if users receive timely notifications (e.g., email alerts, in-app messages).
    • Observe real users navigating the entertainment system to identify any confusing elements.
    • Test if search functions, filters, and playback controls are easy to understand and use.
    • Ensure the interface is accessible and user-friendly for viewers of all ages and technical skills.
  5. Cross-browser and Cross-device compatibility: Ensure consistent behavior across different browsers and devices.
    • Test the system's functionality across popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) on different desktop operating systems (Windows and Mac).
    • Ensure consistent layout, video playback, and user experience across various browser versions.
    • Verify the entertainment system functions seamlessly on mobile apps (iOS, Android) and tablets.
    • Test video playback quality and content accessibility across different screen sizes and resolutions.

Six unexpected scenarios that go beyond the basics

While common SaaS testing scenarios lay the groundwork for a strong testing strategy, challenges in automation testing for SaaS platforms often present unexpected hurdles that require anticipation and proactive testing. SaaS products often demand careful consideration and preparation to tackle these challenges effectively. Let’s explore six such scenarios that extend the basics and demand careful consideration.

Six unexpected scenarios that go beyond the basics

Unanticipated data volume influx during user uploads

Unexpected increases in the volume of data uploaded by users might put a strain on system resources and affect system performance. This situation frequently arises when users upload substantial files or large batches of data at once, beyond the system's ability to manage the inflow.

Effects of this scenario:

  • Decreased system performance and responsiveness.
  • Potential system crashes or timeouts.
  • There is a risk of data loss or corruption if the system cannot handle the influx effectively.

Concurrent user editing conflicts

Multiple people editing simultaneously might result in conflicts and inconsistent data. This situation arises when two or more people try to modify the same piece of data at the same time, leading to inconsistent changes that need to be fixed.

Effects of this scenario:

  • Data inconsistency and loss of integrity.
  • User frustration and dissatisfaction.
  • There is a risk of erroneous data being saved if conflict resolution mechanisms are not in place.

Sudden loss of internet connectivity

When a user streams their favorite movie or show on a road trip, they may experience disruptions due to a sudden loss of internet connectivity. This scenario can occur due to various reasons, such as network issues, server downtime, or device connectivity problems.

Effects of this scenario:

  • Inability to access or use the SaaS product.
  • Disruption of ongoing tasks or workflows.
  • Potential data loss if changes made offline cannot be synchronized when connectivity is restored.

Localization inconsistencies

A SaaS product is something that will be mostly used worldwide, and when it comes to providing services worldwide, there are chances of errors in localization. Inconsistencies in localization can lead to big confusion. This scenario occurs when the translation or adaptation of content for different languages or regions is inaccurate or inconsistent.

Effects of this scenario:

  • Difficulty for users to understand or navigate the application.
  • Negative impact on user satisfaction and trust.
  • There may be potential legal or regulatory issues in certain regions if localization does not comply with local requirements.

Handling real-time updates

Real-time updates may introduce unexpected issues or disruptions. This scenario occurs when updates or changes to the SaaS product are deployed in real-time, potentially causing compatibility issues, performance degradation, or unintended consequences.

Effects of this scenario:

  • Disruption of user workflows or tasks.
  • Degradation of system performance or stability.
  • Risk of introducing bugs or errors that impact the user experience.

Edge cases specific to SaaS

Every SaaS product has unique functionalities that might have unforeseen edge cases. These could be specific workflows, interactions with third-party applications, or unexpected user behavior.

Effects of this scenario:

  • Unexpected behavior or errors in specific use cases.
  • Degradation of user experience or functionality in edge scenarios.
  • Potential reputational damage if users encounter issues that are not addressed promptly.

Ways to Deal with Unexpected Scenarios

Now that we’ve understood various unexpected scenarios and their effects, it's about time we go through various QA aids that will help us tackle these scenarios without a sweat. We’ll explore actionable approaches to address the unexpected challenges.

Implementation of load testing

Although we can't precisely predict how much data users will upload, load testing saas enables us to mimic busy periods and spot any bottlenecks before they become problems.

There are various load testing tools available, both open-source and paid. Here's a general approach using a popular open-source tool, Locust:

  1. Define your users: Identify different user types (e.g., free users, premium users) and their upload behavior patterns (e.g., average file size, upload frequency).
  2. Script user actions: Create scripts in Locust that simulate user uploads. Locust allows for defining user behavior patterns and specifying the data size and upload frequency.
  3. Simulate load: Set the number of virtual users to simulate concurrent uploads based on your anticipated user base and traffic patterns.
  4. Monitor performance: Run the load test and closely monitor server performance metrics like CPU usage, memory consumption, and response times. Identify any bottlenecks or areas where performance degrades under load.

By analyzing the load test results, you can identify potential issues and take corrective measures like:

  • Suggest upgrading server infrastructure to handle the increased load.
  • Enforcing upload size limitations to prevent overloading the server.
  • Implementing chunked uploads for large files, allowing them to be uploaded in smaller segments, and reducing strain on the server.

Verify the integration of locking mechanisms

Optimistic locking mechanisms prevent users from overwriting changes made by others while editing the same data. This ensures data integrity and avoids editing conflicts. As a tester, it is our duty to verify that these locking mechanisms work as intended and that users will not face any issues within this module.

Follow this testing flow in order to verify the locking mechanisms within your SaaS product.

  1. Test scenarios: Create test cases simulating multiple users editing the same data simultaneously. These scenarios should involve:
    • Users are opening the same data for editing.
    • User A is making changes and saving.
    • User B is making conflicting changes and saving.
  2. Verification: Observe system behavior after each scenario.
    • Did the system prevent User B from overwriting User A's changes?
    • Were users notified about potential conflicts?
    • Does the system offer options to merge changes or revert to a specific version?

Validate the offline functionality

Enabling offline functionality allows users to continue working or using the SaaS product even when the internet connection drops. This improves the user experience and prevents data loss during outages.

Imagine a user on a plane trip who wants to watch a movie using a movie streaming SaaS application. Due to limited or no internet connectivity during the flight, the downloaded movie allows them to enjoy the content offline.

Validate the offline functionality

Through the following testing process, ensure that your users can work offline and synchronize data seamlessly upon reconnection.

  1. Testing considerations:
    • If your SaaS application offers features like downloading content for offline use, the following testing process is essential for ensuring a smooth user experience.
    • If your SaaS application testing does not offer offline functionality, you can adapt the testing process to focus on scenarios where users might experience disruptions due to lost connectivity (e.g., error messages, data persistence mechanisms for in-progress tasks).
  2. Download functionality testing:
    • Verify if users can seamlessly download content for offline use within the application.
    • Test download functionality across various devices and internet connection speeds.
  3. Offline Playback Testing:
    • Ensure the downloaded content plays flawlessly in offline mode.
    • Test playback controls and video quality while offline.
  4. Content Management Testing (Optional):
    • Verify if users can manage downloaded content (e.g., delete or view download progress).

Use localization QA services

Localization ensures a culturally appropriate user experience across languages. While professional services are recommended, testers can contribute significantly via their localization expertise, and you can avoid confusion and cultural misalignments.

  1. Functional testing: Perform functional testing of the localized interface in your target language(s). Focus on:
    • Clarity and consistency of the translated text.
    • Accuracy of date/time formats and currency symbols.
    • Culturally appropriate phrasing and terminology.
    • Proper layout and rendering of text across different screen sizes.
  2. User research (optional): If possible, conduct user research sessions with native speakers of your target markets. Observe how they interact with the localized interface and identify any areas for improvement.

Monitoring and verifying rollback mechanisms

Rollback mechanisms allow users to revert to previous versions of data in case of issues with real-time updates. Ensure users can revert to previous versions of data if real-time updates cause issues.

Follow the following testing process where you can validate the version control testing, rollback verification, and notification testing.

1. Version control testing

Step 1: Create test scenarios simulating real-time update issues. This could involve

  • Data inconsistencies arise from conflicting updates.
  • Overwhelming notification loads due to excessive real-time updates.

Step 2: Verify if users can access previous versions of their data through rollback functionality. This might involve utilizing a version history feature or a dedicated rollback button.

  • Tools: Utilize features within the application itself to access version history or initiate rollbacks using systems like Git.

2. Rollback functionality verification

Step 1: Test if the rollback process works as intended.

Step 2: Have a tester deliberately introduce an error or inconsistency in their data through real-time updates.

Step 3: Use the rollback functionality to revert to a previous version.


  • Checkpoint 1: Verify if the system successfully reverts the data to the chosen previous version.
  • Checkpoint 2: Compare the data state before and after the rollback to confirm the error or inconsistency has been addressed.
  • Tools: Utilize an open-source data comparison tool like WinMerge or Meld to visually compare data before and after the rollback.

3. Notification testing

Step 1: Test user control over notification settings.

Step 2: Simulate scenarios where real-time updates generate excessive notifications.

Step 3: Verify if users can filter or mute notifications based on specific criteria (e.g., notification type, source, and importance).


  • Checkpoint 1: Verify if notification settings are saved correctly and persist across user sessions.
  • Checkpoint 2: Test if filtering and muting functionalities work as intended, reducing notification overload for users.

Peer review for maximum coverage

Unforeseen edge cases can arise from unique functionalities or user interactions within your SaaS. Peer review sessions with your team members and, if possible, potential users can help identify these potential pitfalls.

1. Brainstorming Sessions

Step 1: Organize brainstorming sessions involving your team and potential users (ideally, users familiar with your target market).

Step 2: Facilitate a discussion focused on identifying potential edge cases specific to your SaaS functionalities and user behavior. Consider:

  • Interactions with third-party applications that might not be explicitly tested otherwise.
  • Unexpected user behavior is pushing the boundaries of the system's functionalities.
  • Specific workflows with a high risk of encountering edge cases (e.g., complex data manipulation, integrations with external systems).

2. Develop Edge Case Scenarios

Step 1: Based on the brainstorming session, develop specific test cases to address the identified edge cases.

Step 2: These test cases should explore:

  • Interactions with specific third-party applications and potential integration issues.
  • User behavior exceeds expected parameters (e.g., entering excessive data, performing unusual actions).
  • Workflows involving multiple functionalities might have unforeseen interactions in edge cases.

3. Peer Review Testing

Step 1: Utilize peer review sessions to examine existing test cases from different perspectives.

Step 2: Encourage testers, developers, and potential users to participate in reviewing the test cases.

Step 3: The goal is to identify potential blind spots or areas where additional test coverage is needed for these edge cases.


Let's face it, in the fast-paced world of SaaS, downtime is the enemy. In the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry, where user trust and satisfaction are paramount, a thorough Quality Assurance (QA) process plays a critical role. In this competitive market, you cannot go for compromises, and that is where a strict testing process can assist you in countering these unexpected testing scenarios for SaaS product.

Anticipating unexpected scenarios, such as data volume surges, concurrent editing conflicts, and real-time update challenges – allows for proactive measures to be implemented. This ensures the application's resilience and seamless functionality even when encountering unforeseen circumstances.

Our final thoughts are that the dynamic nature of the SaaS industry necessitates a continuously evolving testing strategy. As new features and functionalities are incorporated into the application, the QA process must adapt accordingly. Utilize Alphabin’s capability to continuously evolve testing strategies with the evolving SaaS industry.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does SaaS testing differ from traditional software testing?
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SaaS testing differs from traditional software testing in several ways. SaaS applications are hosted and accessed remotely over the internet, which introduces unique challenges such as multi-tenancy, scalability, and data security. SaaS testing must also consider the dynamic nature of cloud-based environments and the need for continuous integration and deployment.

What are the benefits of using a professional SaaS testing service?
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There are several benefits to using a professional SaaS testing service:

  • Expertise: Our team has extensive experience testing SaaS applications and understands the unique challenges involved.
  • Objectivity: We provide an independent and unbiased perspective on the quality of your application.
  • Efficiency: We can identify and address issues quickly and efficiently, saving you time and money.
  • Scalability: We can scale our testing services to meet the specific needs of your application.
  • Access to Specialized Tools: We utilize a wide range of testing tools to ensure comprehensive coverage.
How do SaaS testing services ensure compatibility across devices and platforms?
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SaaS testing services conduct compatibility testing across a variety of devices, operating systems, browsers, and screen sizes to ensure that the SaaS application functions correctly and displays properly across different environments. This includes testing on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices to accommodate diverse user preferences and usage patterns.

What types of testing are included in SaaS testing services?
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SaaS testing services typically include a range of testing types such as functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing, and localization testing, among others. Each type of test addresses different aspects of the SaaS product to ensure its overall quality and reliability.

About the author

Pravin Gamit

Pravin Gamit

Pravin Gamit, as a Sr.QA Automation Engineer at Alphabin, I specialize in APIs and user interfaces to create strong testing systems that make sure software works great.

I'm all about making things better with automated testing.

More about the author

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