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Healthcare testing services

Protect your healthcare app from risks and keep patient data private with our careful healthcare software testing services.

E-commerce Testing Services
Underlying challenges

Critical challenges of healthcare apps

Healthcare is a sensitive application, and having issues in functionalities could result in hazards!

Damaged Brand Reputation

Security concerns

Security concerns

Damaged Brand Reputation
  • Healthcare applications store sensitive information, making them a prime target for cyberattacks.
Increased Costs

Compliance challanges

Compliance challenges

Increased Costs
  • Unnoticed usability issues can make the application challenging to navigate, leading to frustration and a bad review in the customer’s mind.
Security Vulnerabilities

Data accuracy

Data accuracy

Security Vulnerabilities
  • Applications of this sort rely on accurate data, and inaccurate data leads to misdiagnosis, ultimately harming both the client and the customer.
Lost Sales and Revenue

Performance of the application

Performance of the application

Lost Sales and Revenue
  • Healthcare applications can be slow or crash at handling heavy workloads and maintaining high levels of performance.
Our Approach Shape
Unveiling healthcare QA benefits

Guard up your healthcare application

Healthcare applications need to be perfect. The answer to making a reliable and strong healthcare application is through strict healthcare software testing services.

Trustworthy Brand Image

Fortified data security

Healthcare testing services shows an improvement in data security by 85%, safeguarding sensitive information and preventing cyberattacks.

Cost-Efficient Operations

Compliance assurance

Ensure up to 90% confidence in regulatory compliance, preventing fines and reputational damage by addressing the complex set of regulations.

Enhanced Data Security

Precision in diagnostics

Ensure precise diagnostics and accurate data handling with healthcare testing services, maintaining over 95% accuracy to prevent misdiagnosis.

Optimized Checkout Process

Responsive app

Achieve consistently high performance with healthcare testing, providing up to a 75% improvement in application responsiveness.

Care for your users, build a healthier future. Let's test it!!

Service CTA BG
What We test Shape

What we test

Thorough testing of healthcare applications to guarantee data accuracy, patient privacy, and system interoperability, contributing to the reliability of healthcare technology.

Cross-browser testing:

EHR accuracy

Validate the accuracy and integrity of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), ensuring that patient data is securely stored, updated, and accessible for healthcare providers.

Visual automation:

Pharmacy management validation

Ensure the precision of inventory management systems to mitigate the risk of overselling, guaranteeing that customers encounter and purchase only the products currently in stock.

Data Format Verification

Mobile usability

Test the usability of healthcare mobile applications, focusing on intuitive navigation, clear communication of medical information, and user-friendly interfaces.

Security Testing

Medical imaging system

Test the precision of medical imaging systems, ensuring accurate diagnosis through the validation of image clarity, resolution, and compatibility with diagnostic software.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Biomedical validation

Check data from biomedical sensors, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of vital signs and health metrics used for patient monitoring and diagnostics.

Response Time And Performance

CDSS accuracy

Test the accuracy of Clinical Decision Support Systems, validating their ability to provide healthcare professionals with timely and reliable insights for patient care.

Authentication And Authorization Tests

And many more like

Spike testing, Endurance testing, Scalability and Stress with Gatling…

Cross-browser testing:

EHR accuracy

Validate the accuracy and integrity of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), ensuring that patient data is securely stored, updated, and accessible for healthcare providers.

Visual automation:

Pharmacy management validation

Ensure the precision of inventory management systems to mitigate the risk of overselling, guaranteeing that customers encounter and purchase only the products currently in stock.

Data Format Verification

Mobile usability

Test the usability of healthcare mobile applications, focusing on intuitive navigation, clear communication of medical information, and user-friendly interfaces.

Security Testing

Medical imaging system

Test the precision of medical imaging systems, ensuring accurate diagnosis through the validation of image clarity, resolution, and compatibility with diagnostic software.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Biomedical validation

Check data from biomedical sensors, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of vital signs and health metrics used for patient monitoring and diagnostics.

Response Time And Performance

CDSS accuracy

Test the accuracy of Clinical Decision Support Systems, validating their ability to provide healthcare professionals with timely and reliable insights for patient care.

Authentication And Authorization Tests

And many more like

Spike testing, Endurance testing, Scalability and Stress with Gatling…

Our healthcare services

Customized solutions for healthcare industry

Functional Testing

User experience (UX) testing

Evaluate the user interface for ease of use, intuitiveness, and accessibility to ensure a positive patient experience, resolving potential UX issues.

Security Testing

Regulatory compliance testing

Verify adherence to industry regulations and compliance standards, ensuring FinTech compliance testing meets regulatory requirements.

Performance Testing

Performance testing

Assess system responsiveness, scalability, and reliability under varied patient loads, optimizing response times for critical healthcare processes.

API Testing

Security testing

Identify and mitigate security threats for patient data and healthcare systems, evaluating data encryption and authorization mechanisms.

Automation Testing

Mobile app testing

Testing on mobile devices for compatibility, usability, and security, ensuring seamless integration with various devices.

User Experience (UX) Testing

Functional testing

Verify app functionalities for patient care and healthcare operations, including critical features like electronic health records and appointment scheduling.

Our Approach Shape

Industries we serve

Our healthcare testing company provides a diverse array of companies across different industries, providing tailored solutions to meet their unique needs and challenges.

Our capabilities

Alphabin core healthcare testing capabilities

Confidence in releases

API testing for healthcare

A solid front end is only suitable if the back end is stronger. We provide our API services to ensure all the actions performed on the healthcare product are healthy.

Front-End And Back-End Excellence

Confidence in releases

Our client’s testimony confirms the confidence with every release, with near-zero client-side bugs being reported.

 Maximum Test Coverage Via Automation

Maximum test coverage via automation

We automate repetitive tasks, reducing testing time and resource utilization. In contrast, our team focuses on complex testing scenarios.

AI-Powered Precision

AI driven testing

We integrate AI into our testing process, achieving near-perfect results. Our AI-powered tools identify and resolve issues early.

Our Capabilities Shape
Our Resource Shape

Our Resources

Explore our insights into the latest trends and techniques in HealthCare App Testing.

Understanding ISO 27001 Security Standards for Your Organization

Understanding ISO 27001 Security Standards for Your Organization

  • Jul 4, 2024

ISO 27001 is a well-recognized international standard that provides a framework for managing and protecting information assets. It helps organizations of all sizes and industries secure their data against potential risks. By implementing ISO 27001, you can ensure that your business stays compliant with legal requirements and maintains a strong reputation for security.

Top Mobile Automation Testing Framework in 2024

Top Mobile Automation Testing Framework in 2024

  • Jul 3, 2024

Selecting the most suitable mobile app testing tool for automation is a critical decision. It impacts the resources required, the project's cost, and the overall development timeline. While numerous commercial testing tools exist, each has its strengths and weaknesses.

SaaS Testing Checklist: Every QA Should need to know

SaaS Testing Checklist: Every QA Should need to know

  • Jun 28, 2024

Imagine launching your app only to find it crashing under high user load or exposing sensitive data due to security flaws. In 2015, Forrester surveyed and stated that 60% of organizations showed concern regarding SaaS applications and this number has probably reduced over time as the testing environment has transformed. This data points to the need for SaaS testing as the emerging global SaaS market size is supposed to be $143.4 billion by 2025, also a CAGR expected to be 24% per annum by 2025.

Let's talk testing. 

Alphabin is a remote as well as distributed company. We do value your feedback, inquiries, and interactions. To discuss how we can help you, please fill out the form below and you will hear from us within 1 business day.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is testing user experience important?
FAQ Arrow

UX testing plays a critical role in identifying usability roadblocks that hinder user engagement and satisfaction. By observing real users interacting with the application, UX testing reveals areas of confusion, frustration, or inefficiency.

How can we ensure the security and privacy of customer data in my healthcare application?
FAQ Arrow

Our healthcare testing services provide the following:

  • -
    Assessment of Data handling practices
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    Penetration Testing
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    Continuous Monitoring and Alerting
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    Collaboration with security teams
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    In-Depth testing of Security features
How do you ensure compliance with regulations of healthcare by testing?
FAQ Arrow

Regulatory compliance testing involves mapping regulations to test cases, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and iteratively refining the application based on testing data. This proactive approach ensures compliance, prevents costly violations, and fosters a thriving, user-centric healthcare business.

How does testing ensure the reliability and performance of my healthcare app?
FAQ Arrow

We ensure the performance of an application through:

Performance Testing: Identifying performance bottlenecks and optimizes resource allocation 
Load Testing: Uncovers any performance issue during peak usages.
Stress Testing: Helps in preventing catastrophic failures under extreme conditions.