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Beta testing services

Work together to make your product better and make sure it’s what users want with our detailed testing method.

API Testing Service
Truffle Test
Google console
App Center
Beta Family
Truffle Test
Google console
App Center
Beta Family
Truffle Test
Google console
App Center
Beta Family
QA Challenge Shape
Underlying challenges

Problems without beta testing

If your product doesn’t go through beta testing, it could have serious problems and not do as well when it’s launched.

Decentralized ecosystem

Missed user experience flaws

Missed user experience flaws

Decentralized ecosystem

Clients risk deploying services that have user experience problems which could make customers unhappy.

Smart contract security

Insufficient product stability

Insufficient product stability

Smart contract security

Without beta testing, there is a possibility of not checking if the product is stable enough, which could make it crash more.

Network issues

Limited real-world feedback

Limited real-world feedback

Network issues

Possibility of missing out on important feedback from real-world users if they don’t do beta testing.

Poor economic models

Less user adoption

Less user adoption

Poor economic models

Clients might have a hard time figuring out if users will accept the product, which could make it harder to get a lot of people to use it.


Bridging all testing gaps

Beta testing helps make sure your product matches your vision, leading to a successful launch and lots of users.

Revealing hidden flaws

Exposing usability issues before deployment, boosting a 20% increase in end-user satisfaction.

Stable product

We find and report stability problems before launch, which can reduce crashes after release by 15%.

Listening to users

Beta testing facilitates valuable feedback, unlocking 30% deeper insights.

Early feedback

A successful beta testing can lead to widespread user adoption, resulting in 25% increase in early adoption.

Got any concerns regarding how we manage our beta testing?

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What We test Shape

What we test

During the beta phase, we check your app carefully to make sure it works well when it’s launched and after.

Cross-browser testing:

Edge case exploration

We test unusual scenarios and user actions to find possible bugs or problems with usability.

Visual automation:

Early feature validation

We look closely at the main features and functions, focusing on those that beta testers are likely to use first.

Data Format Verification

New feature assessment

We check new features added during the beta phase to see what users think.

Security Testing

Ease of use

Assessing how easily users can understand and navigate the software's features and interfaces.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Visual appeal and design

Assessing the overall visual appeal and design of the software, ensuring it aligns with user expectations

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Compatibility testing

Verifying compatibility with different operating systems, browsers, devices, and hardware configurations.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Speed and responsiveness

Evaluating loading times, responsiveness to user actions, and overall performance under various load conditions.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Finding common problems

Analyzing feedback to pinpoint common issues or areas of frustration for users.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Prioritizing improvements

Using feedback to guide prioritization of bug fixes and feature enhancements before public release.

Authentication And Authorization Tests

And other validations like

Thorough bug reporting, Bug prioritization, and Collaboration with the development team.

Cross-browser testing:

Edge case exploration

We test unusual scenarios and user actions to find possible bugs or problems with usability.

Visual automation:

Early feature validation

We look closely at the main features and functions, focusing on those that beta testers are likely to use first.

Data Format Verification

New feature assessment

We check new features added during the beta phase to see what users think.

Security Testing

Ease of use

Assessing how easily users can understand and navigate the software's features and interfaces.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Visual appeal and design

Assessing the overall visual appeal and design of the software, ensuring it aligns with user expectations

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Compatibility testing

Verifying compatibility with different operating systems, browsers, devices, and hardware configurations.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Speed and responsiveness

Evaluating loading times, responsiveness to user actions, and overall performance under various load conditions.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Finding common problems

Analyzing feedback to pinpoint common issues or areas of frustration for users.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Prioritizing improvements

Using feedback to guide prioritization of bug fixes and feature enhancements before public release.

Authentication And Authorization Tests

And other validations like

Thorough bug reporting, Bug prioritization, and Collaboration with the development team.

Block Quote

Skip the launch-day problems. Beta testing will clear the way for a smooth product debut.

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Evelyn Rodriguez
Client Successes Shape

Client Successes

We partnered with a client in the travel business to get users involved, listen to their feedback, and make their product better for a successful launch.




Our client was in the competitive travel business. They needed to make sure users had a great experience, get useful feedback, and find possible problems.

Our Response



Our beta testing services gave a clear way to get users involved, collect strong feedback, and keep track of issues.




Working together, we got 25% more useful feedback from users, reduced serious problems by 20%, and had a smoother product launch.

Our approach

Excellence in Beta testing

Our way of doing things focuses on careful planning, getting a variety of users involved, and collecting useful feedback.


Strategic beta planning
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    Target audience identification: We identify the target audience for the beta test to ensure representative user feedback.

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    Test scenario design: We carefully design test scenarios that cover a lot of user actions to find possible problems.


Diverse user engagement
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    Recruitment strategy: We use a focused recruiting strategy to bring together a variety of beta testers.

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    Geographical considerations: We get beta testers from different places to look at regional differences.

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    User persona testing: Tailoring beta testing scenarios to align with the expectations and behaviors of specific user personas.


Feedback collection
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    User feedback channels: Establish multiple channels for users to provide feedback, including surveys and forums.

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    Bug reporting systems: Implementing efficient bug reporting systems to collect, categorize, and prioritize user-reported issues.

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    User experience evaluation: Gathering qualitative insights into the user experience, focusing on usability and design.


Proactive issue resolution
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    Rapid bug fixes: Implementing process for identifying, prioritizing, and rapidly addressing critical bugs reported by beta testers.

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    Communication and Updates: Maintaining transparent communication with beta testers by providing regular updates.

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    Collaborative issue resolution: Facilitating collaboration between development teams and beta testers to ensure a collective effort in resolving issues.


Performance monitoring
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    Real-time monitoring: Implementing real-time performance monitoring tools to track key metrics.

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    Usage analytics: Utilizing analytics to gain insights into how users interact with the product, informing strategic improvements.

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    Scalability assessment: Assessing the product's scalability by monitoring performance under varying user loads.


Strategic beta planning
  • Checkmark

    Target audience identification: We identify the target audience for the beta test to ensure representative user feedback.

  • Checkmark

    Test scenario design: We carefully design test scenarios that cover a lot of user actions to find possible problems.


Diverse user engagement
  • Checkmark

    Recruitment strategy: We use a focused recruiting strategy to bring together a variety of beta testers.

  • Checkmark

    Geographical considerations: We get beta testers from different places to look at regional differences.

  • Checkmark

    User persona testing: Tailoring beta testing scenarios to align with the expectations and behaviors of specific user personas.


Feedback collection
  • Checkmark

    User feedback channels: Establish multiple channels for users to provide feedback, including surveys and forums.

  • Checkmark

    Bug reporting systems: Implementing efficient bug reporting systems to collect, categorize, and prioritize user-reported issues.

  • Checkmark

    User experience evaluation: Gathering qualitative insights into the user experience, focusing on usability and design.


Proactive issue resolution
  • Checkmark

    Rapid bug fixes: Implementing process for identifying, prioritizing, and rapidly addressing critical bugs reported by beta testers.

  • Checkmark

    Communication and Updates: Maintaining transparent communication with beta testers by providing regular updates.

  • Checkmark

    Collaborative issue resolution: Facilitating collaboration between development teams and beta testers to ensure a collective effort in resolving issues.


Performance monitoring
  • Checkmark

    Real-time monitoring: Implementing real-time performance monitoring tools to track key metrics.

  • Checkmark

    Usage analytics: Utilizing analytics to gain insights into how users interact with the product, informing strategic improvements.

  • Checkmark

    Scalability assessment: Assessing the product's scalability by monitoring performance under varying user loads.

Our Approach Shape

Why choose Alphabin?

Long-term Support

Measurable improvements

Faster test cycles, reduced costs, and improved quality with quantifiable results.

Data-Driven Decisions

Flexible engagement models

Choose from flexible projects, retainers, or hourly rates to suit your budget and project requirements.

Budget Friendly Solutions

Unbiased insights

Our independent perspective ensures objective feedback, highlighting critical issues and opportunities for improvement.

Our Resource Shape

Our Resources

Explore our insights into the latest trends and techniques in Beta Testing.

Understanding ISO 27001 Security Standards for Your Organization

Understanding ISO 27001 Security Standards for Your Organization

  • Jul 4, 2024

ISO 27001 is a well-recognized international standard that provides a framework for managing and protecting information assets. It helps organizations of all sizes and industries secure their data against potential risks. By implementing ISO 27001, you can ensure that your business stays compliant with legal requirements and maintains a strong reputation for security.

Top Mobile Automation Testing Framework in 2024

Top Mobile Automation Testing Framework in 2024

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Selecting the most suitable mobile app testing tool for automation is a critical decision. It impacts the resources required, the project's cost, and the overall development timeline. While numerous commercial testing tools exist, each has its strengths and weaknesses.

SaaS Testing Checklist: Every QA Should need to know

SaaS Testing Checklist: Every QA Should need to know

  • Jun 28, 2024

Imagine launching your app only to find it crashing under high user load or exposing sensitive data due to security flaws. In 2015, Forrester surveyed and stated that 60% of organizations showed concern regarding SaaS applications and this number has probably reduced over time as the testing environment has transformed. This data points to the need for SaaS testing as the emerging global SaaS market size is supposed to be $143.4 billion by 2025, also a CAGR expected to be 24% per annum by 2025.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is beta testing, and how does it differ from other testing phases in the software development lifecycle?
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Beta testing is a user acceptance testing phase where a pre-release version of a software product is made available to a select group of users in a real-world environment. It differs from other testing phases as it involves external users exploring the software, providing feedback, and identifying potential issues before the official release.

What types of beta software testing do you provide, and how do they cater to different industries?
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Our beta testing services cover various types of beta testing, including open beta, closed beta, and hybrid beta programs. We customize beta testing strategies based on the nature of the software product, target user demographics, and specific industry requirements, ensuring comprehensive and relevant testing.

How do you recruit participants for beta testing, and what criteria do you consider in selecting beta testers?
FAQ Arrow

Participant recruitment for beta testing involves identifying a diverse user base representative of the target audience. We consider factors such as user demographics, skill levels, and usage patterns to ensure a well-rounded group of testers. In some cases, existing customers or a dedicated beta testing community may be engaged.

Can you elaborate on the planning and execution of open beta testing versus closed beta testing?
FAQ Arrow

Open beta testing involves making the pre-release software publicly available to a broad audience, while closed beta testing restricts access to a select group. Planning for open beta focuses on managing large-scale feedback, scalability, and user experience, while closed beta emphasizes controlled user engagement and in-depth feedback collection.

How do you address confidentiality and security concerns during beta testing?
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Confidentiality and security are paramount in beta testing. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are employed, and beta testing platforms may include secure access controls. Testers are educated on the importance of keeping unreleased software confidential, and measures are in place to mitigate the risk of unauthorized sharing.