Testing Terms
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
Black Box Penetration Testing

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

What is Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)?

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a security testing method that analyzes a running application to identify vulnerabilities and security flaws. Unlike Static Application Security Testing (SAST), which examines the source code, DAST tests the application in its running state, simulating external attacks to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited in a live environment.

How DAST Works

DAST tools interact with the application through its front end, simulating real-world attacks to discover security weaknesses. These tools send various inputs to the application and analyze the responses to detect issues such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other vulnerabilities. By testing the application dynamically, DAST can identify runtime and configuration-related vulnerabilities that static analysis might miss.

Key Features of DAST

  • Runtime Analysis: Examines the application while it is running, providing insights into its behavior under different conditions.
  • Black-box Testing: Does not require access to the source code, testing the application from an external perspective.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Identifies vulnerabilities related to the application's configuration, server settings, and runtime behavior.
  • Real-world Attack Simulation: Mimics the actions of potential attackers to uncover security flaws.
  • Integration with CI/CD Pipelines: Can be integrated into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows for ongoing security testing.

Types of Vulnerabilities Detected by DAST

Type Vulnerabilities
SQL Injection Detects vulnerabilities that allow attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Identifies flaws that could enable attackers to inject malicious scripts
Authentication and Session Management Issues Finds weaknesses in login mechanisms and session handling
Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) Detects improper access controls on objects
Security Misconfigurations Identifies issues with server and application configurations that could be exploited

Benefits of DAST

  • Identifies security flaws in a live environment, providing an accurate assessment of the application's security posture.
  • Covers a wide range of vulnerabilities, including those related to configuration and runtime behavior.
  • Tests the application as an end-user would, making it suitable for testing third-party applications and components.
  • Can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines for continuous security assessments.
  • Helps organizations identify and remediate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited in production environments.

Challenges in DAST

  • May produce false positives, requiring manual verification, and might miss certain vulnerabilities that static analysis would catch.
  • Running dynamic tests can be time-consuming and require significant resources, especially for large applications.
  • As a black-box testing method, DAST may not cover all code paths and logic.
  • Ensuring seamless integration with existing CI/CD workflows and development processes can be challenging.

Steps to Implement DAST

Steps Phase What to do?
1 Select a DAST Tool Choose a tool that fits the organization's needs and integrates well with the existing development and testing workflows
2 Define Test Scope Determine which applications, environments, and features will be tested
3 Configure Scans Set up the DAST tool with appropriate configurations and scan policies
4 Execute Tests Run dynamic tests against the live application, monitoring the tool’s interactions and results
5 Analyze Results Review the scan results, prioritize vulnerabilities based on risk, and assign remediation tasks to developers
6 Remediate Vulnerabilities Fix identified issues and rerun tests to ensure vulnerabilities have been resolved

Popular DAST Tools

  1. OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy)
  2. Acunetix
  3. Portswigger Burp Suite
  4. Rapid7 AppSpider
  5. IBM Security AppScan
  6. Veracode
  7. Qualys Web Application Scanning
  8. Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect
  9. Synopsys Seeker
  10. Detectify
  11. Invicti
  12. AppCheck
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